
A Beautiful Adoption. The Moving Letter Of Isaias

APR 9, 2021

We hope you remember our dear Isaias who was adopted is past January 13th by a beautiful family from Piura, Peru but now living in Lima and working as lawyers.

Our dear Isaias has written to us and wanted us to share his words with everyone, thanking them for their continued prayers.

Below is the letter (slightly edited and spelling corrected for translation):

I was at the Saint Tarcisius home. My new name is Gabriel Isaía Arévalo Ramos. They let me know one afternoon while I was playing with the others [that I was going to get a new family].

Brother Guido called me and when I entered the room, he told me that there was going to be a surprise that night. I didn’t know what the surprise was. I thought that it was a remote control. When night came, Brother Guido called me and took me to the living room. There [he showed me an album with photos of my family]. Afterwards they gave me some toys and later I hid them so no one would see them. When I went to bed, I lay awake almost all night [thinking of my new] family.

A few days passed and the family came. We were all happy, we ate, etc.

The following day, there was a farewell party in the afternoon. They took pictures and I said goodbye to everyone. I went home with Mamá, Papá and Jorgito. I am happy with my family.

Thank you to everyone for praying for us. Greetings to everyone.