
A fruitful vocational coexistence

FEB 28, 2023

At the beginning of the month, a beautiful vocational gathering took place at our “Saint Luis Gonzaga” Vocational Center in which 40 young people between the ages of 12 and 17 participated, coming from the city of Cuzco and its surroundings. The coexistence lasted a week and during it, we have been able to carry out various activities: prayer, catechism, deepening in the sacramental life, work and games.

The idea of ​​this coexistence is to help young people to discover what God wants from them. In fact, the result of these experiences is that later, several young people felt encouraged to request the corresponding admission to the Vocational Center in order to deepen throughout the year those small vocational signs that God has been able to show them during that week.

We ask you to pray with intensity to the "owner of the harvest to send workers into his harvest" (cf. Lk 10, 2) since the greatest thing that a family can give to the Church is a future vocation to the consecrated life and to the priestly life.

Also, do not forget to pray for these boys who constantly live in the Center so that they discern their vocation well, and can (if that is the Will of God) give themselves to Him with all their hearts and become great missionaries.