
Beyond the asphalt

JUN 16, 2022

“Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” (1 Cor 9:16). These words of Saint Paul are inspired and encourage us not to remain with our hands folded while the Protestant communities and sects gain territory through our lack of presence.

The Missionary Servants of the Poor were born to “go beyond the asphalt” bringing the comfort and relief of the Word of God and of the sacraments to all the poor people who aren’t conscious of their great dignity as children of God.


During 2022 we have visited several villages:

Yarccacunca, Alto de Cucuchiray, San Juan de Quihuares, Paroccochan, Kuñutambo, Parara, Pirque, Papres, Huacuy, and Tacaracay, all communities belonging to the parish of Rondocan

Mayumbamba, a community in the parish of Paruro

Ccolccayqui, a community in the parish of Oropesa

Conchacalla and Cachupata, communities belonging to the parish of San Jerónimo.

We commend ourselves to your prayers so that the missionaries who are helping these communities every week may have great desires of evangelizing with the heart of Christ Himself, the Servant of Yahweh, Who gave His life and His own blood for the salvation of all those who were living in darkness and the shadow of death (cf. Is 9:2; Mt 4:16).