
Eight of our boys graduate from the Saint Aloysius Gonzaga CETPRO

Sep 7, 2021

For those who don’t know, the CETPRO is the “Center for Technical Education” where our poor boys study a trade while also doing their academic studies. In this way they will be able to support themselves in the future. The Missionary Servants of the Poor offer formation in agriculture, cooking, baking, carpentry, ceramics, and dairy products.

This beautiful idea occurred to our founder, Father Giovanni Salerno, thanks to his devotion to Saint John Bosco, patron of education. Don Bosco was concerned with the vocational formation of his boys who were very poor.

The Missionary Servants of the Poor families are in charge of directing the CETPRO and the beautiful work that they do which includes the sacrifices made by the teachers at the Center.

We want to inform you that eight of our students have received their certificate as technicians in the various fields they have chosen. They earned their certificates after having completed six study modules over three years. Several local authorities attended the graduation ceremony since, as you know, our CETPRO is recognized by the civil authorities which helps the boys to easily obtain work after graduation.

We thank all the generous people who have helped to make this Center prosper. Thanks to their generosity, many young men now have access to jobs.

Don’t forget that the Missionary Servants of the Poor keep you in our hearts and pray for you always.

United in prayer.

God bless you and may His Most Holy Mother protect you.