
Holy Week at the Saint Tarcisius Home

APR 1, 2024

During Holy Week, some Priests and Brothers stayed at the Home to celebrate this week with the children. They celebrated Palm Sunday at the Home with Holy Mass presided over by Father Deyvid (Colombian). Various people who like to frequently visit the children also came to this celebration.

During the Easter Triduum they participated in the various celebrations that took place in the parish of Andahuaylillas. On Good Friday the traditional Via Crucis was carried out, ending at the grave of Father Giovanni. It was beautiful to see how the children prayed and sang with devotion to the crucified Lord. There is nothing more beautiful than transmitting faith to those little ones with simple and pure hearts, who from their innocence praise the Lord with all the strength of their hearts. On the afternoon of Good Friday the children participated in the procession that took place in the parish. Meanwhile, on Saturday, they celebrated the Easter Vigil at the Home in the company of the missionary families.

And on Easter Sunday they celebrated Holy Mass in the parish. After that, the various Priests who were in the different missions and serving more than 12 towns returned home and met with the children at the traditional Easter lunch. Father Giovanni taught that great importance should be given to community life and that on a day as important as Easter everyone should be gathered together.