
Many boys and girls return to our dining rooms and schools

MAR 21, 2022

We joyfully announce that we have taken up again our in-person work in our schools. The pandemic being past, we are able to return to school. The boys and girls in our schools are very happy since it’s been so long since we’ve been able to meet.

This return to school is very beneficial for our students as they spent so much time at home without receiving an integral education nor decent nutrition though our Priests, Brothers, Sisters and teachers have spent two years putting a lot of effort into doing their best for the children. In fact, in Peru we continue having a serious problem with malnutrition which affects many of our children.

Despite all this, thanks to your help, for the last two years we have been able to bring tons and tons of food every month to these families. However, we would like to be able to do so in person and we thank God for allowing us this opportunity and for granting us the honor of serving his poorest children.

Thank you also to everyone who supports this beautiful mission. May God multiply your generosity.