
Our Movement is in the hands of Mary

AUG 15, 2024

Devotion to the Virgin is one of the most important in the Church because she is our Mother who protects us and takes care of us. The Church highly recommends praying the Holy Rosary, traditional prayers such as the Angelus, Salve Regina, Regina Caeli, etc.

In our Movement we hold a procession with the state of the Virgin of Fatima every first Saturday of the month, right after the Holy Mass. We teach children to love the Virgin as their Mother since many of them suffer from abandonment by their parents. For us, devotion to the Virgin is also embodied in the dedication to and the image of Holy Mary Mother of the Poor. This image comes from a dream that our founder Father Giovanni had in which he saw the Virgin with two children around her.

With her as protector and guide, the Movement continues its work of evangelization and education of poor children.