
Our poor children like the “Viacrucis”

MAR 30, 2022

The Missionary Servants of the Poor don’t want to give only material bread to the poor. As our founder Father Giovanni Salerno says, “If we only give material bread to the poor, we make them poorer.” So he exhorts us to “give spiritual bread,” to bring our poor to prayer, and especially, all the children we care for since if we don’t make the poor love Jesus, we will make them miserable as they won’t be able to recognize their dignity as children of God and live in the hope of Heaven which awaits them.

It is beautiful to see how the boys and girls of our schools fervently pray the Stations of the Cross along with our collaborators who join us for this precious prayer.

Dear brothers and sisters, we invite you to join us in prayer. Let’s pray for the Pope, for the Church, for the world because, as a response in the Liturgy of the Hours says “the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective” (James 5:16).