
Scouts for God

MAY 23, 2022

Fr. Luis María Sallé, msp (French) shared a beautiful idea that has greatly enriched the piety and healthy recreation of our boys which we called for several years the Company of Saint Michael the Archangel.

This company is modeled on the boy scouts and they go camping, play, have fun, and are formed in the essential virtues and values for their future. Indeed, learning to share, to lead, to survive, and to live together and, above all, to be formed in the most important things of all:  faith, hope, and charity. It is very common nowadays to hear about the importance of value formation but, who talks about the virtues? “Human” values, as they are known, are empty if they are not informed by faith, hope, and love.

Hence, the Company of Saint Michael is a favorable environment in which our boys may learn the virtues necessary for proper human, but above all Christian, development.

Thank you to everyone who supports us with their prayers.

Let us ask Saint Michael the Archangel to allow this initiative to bear fruit.