
The Missionary's Response: More Eucharistic Adoration

FEB 22, 2022

It is not strange to anyone, that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought a lot of pain to the world; therefore, we "Missionary Servants of the Poor" wanted to give an answer to everyone in the midst of this pandemic. 

For those who know us, they will know that one of the pillars of our charism is the solid foundation of Eucharistic Adoration, without which we are nothing. Every missionary is called to proclaim That which he contemplates. We cannot serve the poor without first having contemplated them in the Eucharist. 



During the year 2020 and almost the whole year 2021 we managed to extend our hour of Eucharistic Adoration throughout the day; In this year 2022, when we return to our apostolates, we have left the beautiful custom of having Eucharistic Adoration the whole afternoon. 

We entrust ourselves to your prayers, so that we may be the leaven of Christ, in the midst of the world.