Testimony Fr. Pierre Andre, msp

"I felt a more specific call to the contemplative life within our religious institute"

My name is Pierre André. I am 33 years old and come from France. I heard about the Missionary Servants of the Poor for the first time in 2013 from my mother who had gone to a talk given my Father Walter, Corsini, msp, in a town hear my house in southern France. I was finishing my studies in accounting and management at this time and wanted take a year to travel outside of France and help the poor and think about my future. During the last two years of my studies in 2012-13, I had realized that the accounting work I was doing while I was in school was not something I wanted to do for the rest of my life, though there were many things about the job I liked. I thought often about our economic system, our modern society, etc. that made me wish for a better world where faith and the love of God and neighbor were better lived. I also wondered if I had a vocation.  In Paris where I studied, I had participated in various service projects with the poor. In winter, for example, I spend the night with them in the church or meeting them in the street to give them something to drink and to talk to them. These experiences marked me and moved me and I felt I wanted to do something more for the poor. So, when my studies were completed, I decided to do a “humanitarian year” with the MSP and they accepted me. I was struck by their spirituality, their complete surrender to the poor as persons consecrated to God and by their trust in Divine Providence.

After spending a year at the House of Formation in Ajofrin, Spain to learn some Spanish, I went to Peru to help in the mission for a year. They entrusted me with the care of a group of seven boys from 5 to 8 years old. I had to take care of them while they studied, worked, played, and prayed. When they weren’t in school, I also worked in the sacristy. I was also lucky to be able to go on mission once a week on Wednesdays to teach catechism classes to very poor children in a village at 13,000 feet above sea level. This allowed me to see the great material and spiritual poverty that exists in the Andes Mountains and I realized that there was still much to do to help these people out of their misery and bring them to God.

I have been discerning my vocation little by little, both during that year of experience and throughout my entire missionary life. But I especially felt the call of God eight months after arriving in Peru when I made a retreat in the Our Lady of Silence Monastery where our contemplative MSP monks live. There during prayer I felt that the Lord wanted me with the Missionary Servants of the Poor and that there I could do much good. But I especially felt a call to the contemplative life with the Institute.

"In the monastery, which is located in mission land, they work and pray especially for the poor and the mission"

"This vocation of total dedication to God caught my attention, a life of silence, of enclosure, and of work in which many hours of the day are dedicated to prayer to honor the Lord and to intercede for so many people"

In September 2015 I began formation in our house in Toledo, Spain which lasted eight years which I have now completed. I have received much in these years, both on an intellectual level with the study of philosophy and theology, and on a human, spiritual, and pastoral level. This formation was possible thanks to the spiritual and material support of so many people whom I thank with all my heart. Thinking about the generosity of these people helped and continues to help me be generous and dedicated in my daily life. There were many good moments during my formation, but there were also difficult, trying moments (such as exam time). On these occasions I was able to experience the support of the Lord several times. These little “divine helps” were, for me, beautiful vocational signs. I thank the Lord I was able to persevere.

As I mentioned before, during my year of service in 2014/15, I felt a more specific call to the contemplative life within our religious institute. During my year-long experience and my years of formation when my superiors sent me to Peru to help in the mission during vacations, I was able to spend some brief time in Our Lady of Silence monastery. This vocation of total dedication to God caught my attention, a life of silence, of enclosure, and of work in which many hours of the day are dedicated to prayer to honor the Lord and to intercede for so many people. I was able to realize a little bit the value, the beauty, and the nobleness of this life. The monks also explained to me the peculiarity of their contemplative life, namely, that of a “missionary” contemplative life. In the monastery, which is located in mission land, they work and pray especially for the poor and the mission. The missionary zeal of these contemplatives is stimulated by their proximity to the mission, also by some direct apostolates with the poor that are carried out from time to time.

This contemplative life excites me. In 2024 I will progressively integrate into the contemplative community living one or two weeks a month with them in view of a definitive integration into their community if it is discerned that this is my vocation within the wider vocation as a Missionary Servant of the Poor.

On October 12, 2023, I made my perpetual vows with the Missionary Servants of the Poor, which excites and encourages me even more in the midst of serving the poorest.


Fr. Pierre Andre, msp

"I especially felt the call of God eight months after arriving in Peru"